9th June, 2024

The InfoAFYA™ Inception Story:
Empowering Public Health in Kenya through Technology

The Beginning: Who and Where

The story of InfoAFYA™ begins with two pioneering organizations: the Kenya NGO Alliance Against Malaria (KeNAAM) and DPE Company (DPE). KeNAAM, a leading advocacy organization in Kenya, has long been dedicated to addressing health and development issues. They have been at the forefront of fighting malaria and other diseases that plague vulnerable communities. DPE, on the other hand, is a Kenyan health technology and innovation company, specializing in creating platforms for public health interventions.

Together, KeNAAM and DPE saw an urgent need for a solution that could effectively disseminate critical health information to the masses, especially those in remote and underserved areas. This need was not just about providing information but ensuring that it was accessible, relevant, and timely. Thus, InfoAFYA™ was conceived as a collaborative effort to meet this challenge head-on.

The Why: Addressing the Gap

Kenya, like many other countries in Africa, faces significant health challenges. Diseases like malaria claim hundreds of thousands of lives each year, with the most vulnerable populations – children under five and pregnant women – bearing the brunt of the impact. Traditional health interventions, while vital, often fall short in reaching everyone.

KeNAAM and DPE recognized that despite the availability of health services and interventions, there was a substantial gap in health information accessibility at the household level. Communities lacked the knowledge needed to make informed health decisions, leading to preventable illnesses and deaths. They understood that empowering people with accurate and personalized health information could transform health outcomes.

The Vision: InfoAFYA™ Takes Shape

InfoAFYA™ was created with a simple yet powerful mission: to be a helpful assistant providing clear and personalized health information directly to Kenyans. Think of it as a friendly guide, offering step-by-step instructions even to those without fancy smartphones or internet access.
This technology allows for the creation of tailored messages that resonate with the specific needs of different communities, ensuring that the information provided is not only relevant but also actionable. By using data and insights, InfoAFYA™ ensures that health interventions are targeted effectively, maximizing their impact.

The Impact: Transforming Public Health

Since its inception, InfoAFYA™ has made significant strides in transforming public health campaigns in Kenya. It has become a lifeline for many, delivering vital information on malaria prevention, maternal health, and other critical health issues. By working with governmental and non-governmental health organizations, InfoAFYA™ ensures that its messages are credible, timely, and tailored to the needs of the population.

“Specifically designed to work effectively in low resourced health communication settings, our goal in using InfoAFYA is to engage vulnerable households on Malaria prevention using the best behavioral science, data-driven personalization, and technical capabilities that exist. ”

-Edward Mwangi, CEO, KeNAAM

The platform has empowered communities to take charge of their health, promoting health literacy and encouraging behavior change. It has also facilitated better collaboration among stakeholders, ensuring that health campaigns are more effective and far-reaching. Through InfoAFYA™, KeNAAM and DPE have demonstrated that innovative technology, combined with a deep understanding of community needs, can drive significant improvements in public health.

The Future: Continuing the Journey

The journey of InfoAFYA™ is far from over. With plans to integrate advanced technologies to foster personalization and interaction. By expanding its partnerships and diversifying its communication channels, InfoAFYA™ is set to reach even more people, providing them with the information they need to lead healthier lives.

InfoAFYA™ is not just a platform; it's a movement towards better health for all. It's a testament to what can be achieved when visionaries come together with a common goal of improving public health. As we look to the future, InfoAFYA™ continues to inspire hope and drive change, one health message at a time.