Case Studies

Explore how InfoAFYA inspires action, fosters collaboration, and improves health outcomes.


Tessie, a young pregnant woman.


A resilient tea plantation worker.


A middle aged truck driver.


A leading advocacy organization

Tessie's Journey to a Safe Pregnancy with InfoAFYA

Meet Tessie, a young pregnant woman residing in a malaria-endemic zone. For her, her health and her baby’s well-being are her top priorities.

Tessie’s struggle and the Malaria Risk

Living in a malaria-prone area poses significant risks to Tessie and her baby. She knows that maintaining a healthy pregnancy is crucial. When Tessie falls ill, she turns to public health facilities, trusting the advice of health workers. Their guidance is a beacon of hope in her journey toward a safe pregnancy.

Her First Antenatal Care (ANC) Visit

Tessie attends her first antenatal care clinic, committed to ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy by seeking necessary interventions and information.

How InfoAFYA Makes a Difference

InfoAFYA™ helps Tessie navigate her pregnancy safely. Through InfoAFYA™, Tessie learns about malaria’s causes, symptoms, and the recommended interventions for a pregnancy free from malaria complications. Tessie experiences a healthy pregnancy, sparking change within her community. She inspires others to embrace knowledge, seek timely health services, and take charge of their well-being.

Messages Tessie receives from InfoAFYA

Harnessing InfoAFYA's evidence-based strategies ranging from Health risk communication, behaviour change communication to health services demand creation messages.

Sample Swahili SMS messages from InfoAFYA health assistant
InfoAFYA SMS message

Nitatembelea kituo cha afya kilicho karibu ninapo hisi joto mwilini, maumivu ya kichwa, uchovu, au kutapika na kuhara.

InfoAFYA SMS message

Nitahakikisha kuwa nitalala ndani ya neti iliyotibiwa na dawa, kila usiku, kila msimu.

InfoAFYA SMS message

Hakikisha umememaliza kipimo cha dawa za malaria ulivyoalivyoagizwa na daktari ili kutokomeza kabisa vimelea vya malaria mwilini.

Transform health campaigns with InfoAFYA™ today.

1. Accessible health information anytime, anywhere

As we conduct health outreaches and campaigns during World Health Days, InfoAFYA™ enables us to swiftly disseminate vital information to larger communities.

County Official

2. Engaging the right audience

With InfoAFYA™, households don't need smartphones. Even with basic phones, they receive messages effortlessly. This solution reaches a vast audience quickly, making households feel included and valued. Its user-friendly, easy-to-understand approach has positively transformed attitudes and emphasized the importance of life.

County Official

3. Measurable Impact

The facility's uptake has skyrocketed, leading to a shortage of malaria drugs. This is a direct result of households being informed about the facility's benefits through InfoAFYA™.

County Official
