
At InfoAFYA™, we collaborate with strategic partners to deliver impactful health interventions across Kenya. Our initiatives reflect our unwavering commitment to transforming public health outcomes and fostering healthier communities.

These are some of the key campaigns we've executed with our partners, showcasing the tangible impact of our collective efforts.

InfoAFYA™ and IRC Join Forces to Combat Malaria in Kakuma Refugee Camp.

In the second quarter of 2023, Kakuma Refugee Camp in Turkana County faced a significant surge in malaria cases. To address this urgent health crisis, InfoAFYA™ partnered with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to launch a comprehensive Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) campaign via its digital information-sharing platform, Julisha. The campaign aimed to raise awareness and promote malaria prevention among the camp's refugee population, leveraging the power of digital media to disseminate crucial health information.

Media channels utilized:

  • Facebook
  • WhatsApp Channels

InfoAFYA™ and Africa Media Trust Join Forces to Educate Young Kenyans on Malaria Prevention and Control.

In the final quarter of 2023, InfoAFYA™ and Africa Media Trust collaborated to launch a dynamic Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) campaign through Love Matters Kenya's Facebook page. This initiative aimed to raise awareness and promote malaria prevention among young Kenyans aged 18-35, who are digitally engaged and eager to explore health information in an interactive manner. The campaign focused on encouraging positive behaviors, such as seeking timely care for malaria symptoms, using simple and clear language paired with interactive tools.

The anticipated outcomes of the campaign included heightened knowledge, improved attitudes, better practices, and increased demand for malaria services among the target audience. By leveraging Facebook as the primary media channel, the campaign successfully reached and engaged the intended demographic, fostering a more informed and proactive community.

InfoAFYA™ and Africa Sickle Cell Organization Collaborate to Educate People Living with Sickle Cell Disease on Malaria Prevention and Control

In the first quarter of 2024, InfoAFYA™ partnered with the Africa Sickle Cell Organization to launch a crucial campaign aimed at raising awareness and educating People Living with Sickle Cell Disease (PLSCD) and their caregivers about the risks and management of malaria. Targeting individuals in Taita-Taveta and Kilifi counties in Kenya, the campaign employed text messages (SMS) to convey vital information about malaria prevention and treatment. Key messages included the importance of using treated mosquito nets and seeking prompt medical care when experiencing malaria symptoms.

In addition to focusing on malaria prevention, the campaign also addressed the broader challenges faced by PLSCD, such as accessing quality healthcare, education, and sustainable livelihoods. By leveraging SMS as the primary communication channel, the campaign ensured that essential information reached the target demographic in an effective and timely manner.